Jules ︎ Julien

  1. Nth Layer of Emotional Sediment 
  2. Angler
  3. Soft Wear
  4. Feed Me Colors
  5. Phantasm Atlas
  6. Mnemosyne
  7. Empathetic

Teaching & Workshops
  1. p5.js Tutorials 
  2. Critical Computation Lab
  3. Speculative Camera Filters
  4. Prototyping AR Cosmologies

Client Work Website︎︎︎

  1. Julien Kris is a media artist, game designer, and creative technologist who uses software “incorrectly” to invent alternative interfaces for his body when mainstream technologies fail him. Jules’ projects have been featured at museums and festivals in the United States, including the UCLA Game Art Festival at The Hammer Museum, Indiecade Festival, Different Games Conference, LA Weekly’s Artopia, and CultureHub LA. He’s taught workshops at NYU ITP, Processing Community Day, Pepperdine University, Navel, Tiny Tech Zines, and Glendale Tech Week.
  2. Jules most recently worked as a Creative Technologist at Buck︎︎︎ and Part-Time Faculty at Parsons︎︎︎He is a co-organizer with Tiny Tech Zines︎︎︎.

  3. Jules holds a BA in Design Media Arts from UCLA, where he co-founded voidLab︎︎︎, an LA-based intersectional feminist collective for women, trans and queer people. Jules is an alum of the UCLA Game Lab︎︎︎.

Get in touch at hi.jules.kris@gmail.com


Soft Wear

Soft Wear transposes memories of my body onto others' bodies through Augmented Reality temporary tattoos. Each tattoo features an illustration of a communication technology that has become antiquated in the last two decades (a floppy disk, a cassette tape, a flip phone, etc).

When a "tattooed" participant stands in front of the camera, AR software scans the unique illustration and triggers an animation of a memory to appear on screen. The tattoos remain on the body for up to a week, allowing the participant to carry my bodily memory with them after they leave the exhibition.

Exhibited at Layered Beyond at The Mike Kelley Gallery - Beyond Baroque, Authentication Error [SOLVED] at UCLA, and at Sexual Activities at Open Plan Collective. Thank you to Sofia Rossi Torres for modeling.